Inspecting Carol
Directed by Shawna Ramos
November 20 to December 13, 2015
The 9th production of the 2015 Season
Written by: Daniel Sullivan and the Seattle Repertory Theatre
Behind the scenes of a struggling theatre’s annual slapdash production of “A Christmas Carol”, rehearsals are at a standstill. Tim is no longer Tiny, Scrooge wants to do the play in Spanish (Feliz Navidad?), and their funding is on hold pending an inspection. A man who asks to audition is mistaken for an informer for the National Endowment for the Arts and everyone caters to the bewildered wannabe actor. Everything goes wrong and hilarity is piled upon hilarity.
Extra! Extra! Read all about it…
- Inspecting Carol Premiers in Pacifica by Storm Russell
- Spindrift Theater Holiday Antics Wrestle Dickens Like A Pro by Jean Bartlett of the Pacifica Tribune